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Gestures and Life Studies

Life Study
Col-Erase Pencil

Gesture from Open Model
Col-Erase Pencil

Gesture from Open Model
Col-Erase Pencil

Gesture from Open Model
Col-Erase Pencil

Gesture from Open Model
Col-Erase Pencil

Gesture from Open Model
Col-Erase Pencil

Life Study
Col-Erase Pencil

Gesture from SCAD Gesture Jam
Col-Erase Pencil

Life Study from Disney World
Col-Erase Pencil

Gesture from SCAD Gesture Jam
Col-Erase Pencil

Life Studies from Magic Kingdom
Col-Erase Pencil

Life Study from Disney World
Col-Erase Pencil

Life Study
Col-Erase Pencil

Life Study
Col-Erase Pencil

Hand Studies
Col-Erase Pencil

Gesture from SCAD Gesture Jam
Col-Erase Pencil

Hand Studies
Col-Erase Pencil

Gesture from SCAD Gesture Jam
Col-Erase Pencil

Still Life


Roman Bust Study
Pan pastel and charcoal

Roman Bust
Pan pastel and charcoal

Greek Bust
Pan pastel and charcoal

Cloth Study
Pan pastel and charcoal
Rachel Kaiser
2D Character Animator • Illustrator
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